Photography with more life & less fuss!
If a picture paints a thousand words, it’s pretty important to make sure you’re happy with what yours is saying. But even if you’re not keen on the limelight, don’t worry. You’re in the right place.
Whether you’re a small (but mighty) business owner looking to make a visual impact with your social media, a larger company or team with employees needing new headshots, or you’d like some family shots to help capture and remember the beautiful chaos, read on.
What to expect? First and foremost, I will spend time (in person or online) getting to know you as a person, team or family before I even unzip my camera bag. Understanding your character, your needs and putting you at ease.
My main focus before, and during, your shoot is to ensure you are as relaxed as possible because when you’re having fun (and believe me, you can!) the end result will be all the better for it.
I can show you how to stand, sit, lean, where to look, when to smile - even stand on your head if it takes your fancy (you might be on your own with that though, I’m not a born yogi!)
I’ll guide you through the whole process and ensure that however we capture you, your portrait photography will look and feel as natural and authentic as you are in real life, no stress, no fuss.
We have used Philippa for many years for corporate photography and couldn’t be more enthusiastic about the service she provides. She is of course a highly professional and talented photographer, but what sets her apart is her people skills. Her presence in the office is always a welcome one and colleagues are often energized by a shoot, which they were often dreading. The result is first class and natural head shots.
Oakley Capital

Give my FAQs a click to see what the most common queries are ahead of your booking. You can also write me a list of questions on my ‘Get in touch’ page or simply give me a call and I can help you there. Chat soon!